Trial at UC Davis 2019 Crush Featuring the Pellenc Optical Sorting Line.

Pellenc America conducted a Trial with UC Davis Winemaking Team headed up by Anita Oberholster Ph.D. and Leticia Chacon Rodriguez with the Pellenc Optical Sorting Line that consists of the Pellenc Selectiv Process Winery-Medium (SPW-M), Vibractiv Table & Selectiv Vision 2.

Our control group was handpicked Cabernet Sauvignon from Lodi, CA. that we processed with only the SPW-M that mechanically destems and sorts the fruit with the Pellenc patented Selectiv Process System. Our Trial consisted of 2 sorting levels with the Pellenc Vision 2 Optical Sorter. The first part of the trial we used the lower level Optical of sorting. For the second trial we used the high level of Optical sorting.

As the wines matured, we noticed some very interesting results. The bottom line is we could take a harvest of Lodi Cabernet Sauvignon and with different levels of sorting we could change the complexity of the finished wine. We easily understood how to change the settings on the Pellenc Vision-2 to make the necessary changes ourselves. 

As a Winemaker we found the Pellenc Vision 2 Optical Sorter Control Panel (Human Machine Interface) very intuitive. We were able to understand the controls and make immediate changes to the machines settings to receive our desired results.

Stop by the Pellenc America Booth at the IQ Conference and taste the results for yourself!

More information about the Optical Sorter:
Vision 2

More information about the Mechanical destemmer/sorter:
Winery Medium